Legal mentions

General information:

Site owner tresestrellascampings:  FUMANYA, SA. Tradename: Tres Estrellas Campings – Fumanya, SA Registered office: C-31, km 186,2, 08850 Gavá NIF: A08627663


Camping Tres Estrellas Costa Brava

C-31, ctra. Palamós Palafrugell, km 328, 17253 Palamós. tel: (+34) 972 31 52 63 E-mail:

Terms of use

The object of these general conditions is regular the use that there can realize the users of the web of Tres Estrellas Campings group, without prejudice of which certain services, contents or activities inside the web surrender to his(her, your) own(proper) conditions. Therefore, later there appear the terms(ends) of the legal agreement that establishes between(among) the user and Tres Estrellas Campings . On having acceded, having sailed and / or having used this web site, the user demonstrates to have read, dealt and agree in these terms(ends) and to fulfil all the procedure and applicable laws.

The access and use of the web has free character for the users and does not demand the previous record of the user with general character. Nevertheless, the access and use of certain functionalities offered across the web only can be realized previous record of the user. In case of the users’ record across identifiers and passwords, both the identifier and the password are personal and not transferable of the person who is granted. The user will have to support under his (her, your) exclusive responsibility both the identifier and the password in the most strict and absolute confidentiality, assuming, therefore, all the hurts(damages) or consequences of all kinds stem from the infraction or revelation of the secret.

The user guarantees that the personal facilitated information is veracious and becomes a person in charge of communicating to Tres Estrellas Campings  any modification in the same ones. At the same time the user will assume the responsibility for the hurts(damages) and prejudices that it (he, she) could cause for contributing false, incomplete or inaccurate information.

The Users will have to abstain, on having used the site(place), from incurring acts of any nature, as the emission(issue), publication, load or distribution of information and / or contents against the law, from undermining the public order or from the rights of Tres Estrellas Campings  violating or of third parties.

The Users must be abided by the local procedure, which they include but do not limit themselves to:

  • To give certain information in the moment of the record and on having used the site(place).
  • To be Abided by the applicable laws and to fulfil these contractual requirements.
  • To use the position(place) of a legitimate way, only in agreement with the professional aims(lenses) of this one and of conformity with the legal provisions and applicable regulations and with the in force practices
  • Respect the rights of intellectual property belonging to the contents provided by Tres Estrellas Campings .

Tres Estrellas Campings  is to title rights of intellectual and industrial Property of this web site: text, images, brands(marks), logos, combinations of colours, as well as the structure, selection and order of his (her, your) contents, until another thing is specified

Tres Estrellas Campings authorizes him to unload the contents, to copy or to stamp(print) any page of this web, but exclusively for personal use and, providing that with it there does not infringe the copyright or any other Law of Property of Tres Estrellas Campings. The copy of information must not be understood as an authorization to transfer any license on any copyright, patent or any other right of intellectual property of Tres Estrellas Campings.

Applicable law

These terms and conditions of use are governed by Spanish regulations. In case of discrepancy in the interpretation, the Spanish version of these conditions of use will prevail over the others, in any other language. For the resolution of disputes that may arise as a result of the provisions of these provisions, and expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, the User agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.

Right to modify the conditions

Tres Estrellas Campings  can modify these Conditions of use at any time and without previous notice. Therefore, the User is requested to regularly check the latest updated version, available and accessible permanently and free from the homepage of the site, by clicking on the link “Terms of use”.

Last modification of this policy: April 1, 2020